Friday, March 12, 2010

my own personal car pillow

I didn't realize when i got the dog that i would have my own personal car pillow too. its cracks me up too because i don't put him up there. Whenever we get in the car or even when we're just sitting at home on the couch he will crawl up me on one side and just rest on the back of my neck so i will have his head on one side of my head and his but on the other its hilarious! i cant say its extremely comfortable for me but he looks so cute and funny up there. (oh and ignore the nasty picture of me i had just come from the gym)
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  1. ok- i've been trying to post a comment for a week now, so if this doesn't work- i'm giving up. love all your posts btw and it was fun to see you guys at phoebe's party. thanks for the cute dress. :) new moon riff is coming out soon. i think tam said it was coming out the same day as the movie. we need to plan a movie night soon. take care.

  2. yay!!! it worked. not sure why i was having trouble before.

  3. I like oh i forgot his name!!! I think he's cute!!good call shannie pantiie!! (this is zane i'm sure you can tell)!

  4. I lile the little fluff ball! Good call shannie pantiie! (this is zane if you couldn't tell!
